新华字典 | 汉语字典

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Completely offline Chinese dictionary

新华字典是完全离线使用的汉语字典。-- 功能介绍:1 收录近三万个汉字。2 释义严谨,且大部分有文言文例证。3 词性分级列出释义,层次分明,方便查阅。4 每个字条还包含注音、拼音、笔画数、部外笔画、释义等信息。5 支持汉字、拼音、部首、五笔搜寻方式。6 不用连上网络,随时随地使用。7 程序请求的权限少,绝不会窥探个人隐私。Xinhua Dictionary is completely offline Chinese dictionary.- Features:A collection of nearly thirty thousand characters.2 Definitions rigorous, and most have a classical example.3 Definitions speech classification lists, structured, easy access.4 Each note also contains a phonetic alphabet, strokes, and stroke, interpretation and other information.5 supports Chinese characters, Pinyin, radical, five search methods.6 is not connected to the network, anytime, anywhere.7 program requests permission fewer will never pry personal privacy.

Read trusted reviews from application customers




Siah Arthur

Excellent app

ES Tan


Seng Pan

Good 👍

John Neo

good app.it would be better if when i try to find another new word, there is a function that i can just type to find the another word without clicking on the X to clear the word in the text box that i just searched.


Clean interface, convenient for searching.

Xuezhen Huang

good very good

Sai Sine Kyan

Easy to use.

Chen San

Just installed and used .Will rate again

Sewhong Khoh